Proximity and Distance between the Subject and the Work of Art

Immediate Realtions with the Work of Art


  • Luis Bisbe Universitat de Barcelona



"text" "image"


The power of the image predominates in human production. To the point of substituting and confusing itself with the world, mediating the direct contact between the subject and the world. Representation distances the subject from the world, which paradoxically brings him closer through appearances. This situation drives a detachment in art that tries to get closer to the world. Presentation avoids mediation and distance in its quest for direct contact and immediacy. The drawback of presentation is its restrictive character, in that it avoids representation, but simultaneously opens up an infinite range of possibilities. Presentation does not use deception to bring us closer to the real thing, it does not use traditional means to express new content. Presentation takes a step forward in abolishing the distance that mediation creates between the subject and the world by re-establishing the proximity between the individual and art.


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Author Biography

Luis Bisbe, Universitat de Barcelona

Adjunct Professor

Department of Visual Arts and Design


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How to Cite

Bisbe, L. (2023). Proximity and Distance between the Subject and the Work of Art: Immediate Realtions with the Work of Art. Barcelona Research Art Creation, 11(2).


