Women Vulnerability in Informal Entertainment Sectors in Kathmandu: A Human Rights Perspectives



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The objective of the research was to explore the vulnerability of women working in the entertainment sectors towards prostitution and their social problems. Natural calamities, armed conflict or any other social and economic problems make women and girls more vulnerable in Nepal. There is no fixed data on the number of women working in these sectors. Research methods such as key informant interviews and participation in the interaction programs were employed to gather information. It was found that female sex workers on the street in Kathmandu sit in the crowd area of the city. Unemployment and poverty in the urban area have made especially the migrant young women involve in sex profession. Participants in the interview said that domestic violence has made women do anything for their sustenance. The sex worker women suffer from social stigma and reproductive health problems. However, they have hidden their health problems. Finally, due to the orientation and assistance of non-government organizations, the sex-workers have started to organize in groups and are more empowered than before.


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Biografía del autor/a

Ghanashyam Niroula, USAID Funded FPSS Project

Behavior Change Communication & Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Specialist of Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN)


Central Department of Population Studies and International Labour Organization. (2002). Text for Population and Social Justice Master of Arts in Population Studies. Kathmandu: Central Department of Population Studies, Tribhuvan Unviersity Nepal

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Cómo citar

Niroula, G. (2017). Women Vulnerability in Informal Entertainment Sectors in Kathmandu: A Human Rights Perspectives. Revista Internacional Y Multidisciplinar De Ciencias Sociales, 6(1), 23–46. https://doi.org/10.17583/rimcis.2017.1928


