Relations Attitude Towards Mathematics Lesson, Anxiety and Academic Success




In this particular study attitude towards mathematics lessons and relation between anxiety and academic success had been explored. Though as a result of the comparative analysis of the study gender, teacher, class and the most popular and favorite lesson were determined to cause significant differences of opinion with regard to attitude towards mathematics lesson in some cases, based on structural equation modeling substantive and significant impact had been observed only for the most popular and favorite lesson. Besides, anxiety towards mathematics lesson was determined to have a mediation impact on the relation between attitude towards mathematics lesson and anxiety. Based on evaluation of the findings obtained as a result of the study and these findings’ relation with the studies available in the relevant literature, certain significant conclusions are obtained. First of all, the most popular and favorite lesson as one of the independent variables of the study may be seen as an indicator of the attitude towards mathematics lesson. The most popular and favorite lesson variable differentiated academic success in a significant manner. In the meantime, a significant relation was determined between attitude as a scaling factor and success in mathematics lesson. Again in line with positive attitude, anxiety had been determined to be effective is projection and prediction of success with its intermediary impact. We absolutely recommend educators to take attitude into consideration in terms of success in mathematics lesson as a consequence of our study. In addition to this, we may assert a claim that they will achieve success in mathematics lesson provided that they include activities to enrich learning process in a positive manner and they take anxiety into consideration throughout the process.


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