Analysis performed by Pre-Service Teachers in an Emerging Technological Environment in Mathematics Education
The objective of this research is to describe how a pre-service mathematics teacher analyzes what happens in a videotaped virtual mathematics class in an emergent environment. For this purpose, exploratory qualitative research was designed with the participation of a teacher in her fifth year of initial training. The concept of didactic suitability and examples of indicators were explained to her. Then a reflection she wrote based on the indicators she had managed to establish was analyzed. The prospective teacher adapted indicators which allowed her to provide a descriptive reflection on what occurred in her class, and to offer evaluations with clear justifications. Nonetheless, it was found that there was an absence of proposals for improvement in her reflections, and few specific indicators concerning technological resources. Pre-service teachers are able to carry out descriptive and evaluative analyses with the use of tools such as didactic suitability, but support should be provided to increase their capacity to propose improvements to the educational process and to focus even more on mathematics education in emerging environments.
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