Fraction Division Representation-Experience in a Teacher Education Course Focused on the Reference Unit


  • Gabriela Faria Barcelos Gibim Maria Batista de Faria
  • Laura Rifo Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Nuria Climent Universidad de Huelva
  • Miguel Ribeiro Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa




This study focuses on the knowledge revealed and developed by Elementary Mathematics
teachers, in a teacher education course related to the representation of fraction division and
the flexibility of the reference unit. The teachers solved a task aimed at mobilizing (and
accessing) their knowledge related to their approaches to the sense of division, representation,
and reference unit regarding fraction division. The results suggest that teachers face
challenges when representing and justifying fraction divisions using pictorial models,
especially when the divisor is a non-unit fraction. This is based in a gap regarding the
flexibility of the reference unit to which the numbers refer in their representations, as well as
a challenge concerning the sense of fraction division and the different forms of
representation. With this research we intend to contribute to reducing the scarcity of
empirical studies in the area and the importance of this specialized teachers’ knowledge to
deal with this topic.


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