Contributions of Freire's Theory to Dialogic Education


  • Maria del Mar Ramis Salas University of Barcelona




The present article discusses how Paulo Freire was ahead of his time with his theoretical contributions by reflecting on the author’s groundbreaking insights, particularly those developed in his Pedagogy of the oppressed. To do so, the paper first introduces his Theory of Dialogical Action and the premises that explain how it established the theoretical grounds for some of the most relevant theoretical works in the Social Sciences such as Habermas’ Theory of the Communicative Action developed more than a decade after Freire’s work. The second part of the paper further explores the influence of the premises of the Dialogic Education, by reviewing the theoretical foundations of other major theoretical works and practical experiences that building on Freire’s work and the centrality of dialogue in the educational process continue enabling the creation of future through transformative educational experiences. In so doing, the impact that the legacy of one of the most relevant authors in the history of education has had upon most relevant theoretical conceptualisations as well as a successful practical key experiences is further explained.


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Author Biography

Maria del Mar Ramis Salas, University of Barcelona

Profesora de la sección de Teoría Sociológica, Filosofía del Derecho y Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales.


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How to Cite

Ramis Salas, M. del M. (2018). Contributions of Freire’s Theory to Dialogic Education. Social and Education History, 7(3), 277–299.


