About the Journal
The journal Social and Education History, aims to closely connect these two fields of study, by publishing relevant articles focused on both the analysis of societies and, the socialization processes and cultural and educational transmission. It focuses on the study of social change and transformation periods. It includes the analysis of social and pedagogical thought, as well as the teaching of history. It is open to all historical periods.
The journal comprises the analysis of all learning, cultural transmission and socialization processes, together with social analysis. It brings together education and society, and enhances the role of education in the learning processes and development of societies. Furthermore, it includes the study of social and pedagogical thought and the teaching of history, and as there is no limitation of time period, this journal achieves an integrating dimension regarding the study of history that a vast majority of publications do not have.
Social and Education History is a digital and open access publication, which aims at disseminating scientific knowledge and generating debate in order to promote an active history addressed to reflect on the past, the present and the future, and at the same time to be useful in deepening in the values of democracy and social justice. The journal publishes original articles about social and educational history. It is a four-monthly publication and multilingual. HSE publishes articles in English and Spanish.
This journal includes articles about ended or in progress scientific inquiries. The journal publishes reviews of books that have been recently published in the field of education or other disciplines and of international interest.
Peer Review Policy:
All research articles published in this journal have undergone a blind peer review process (double external evaluation).
Licence: Until October 5th 2013, Hipatia Press scientific journals were published under Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivative License (CC BY NC ND). Hipatia Press journals decided to change the license and use the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) as recommended by the Budapest Open Access Initiative taking into account its commitment with Open Access.