The Characteristics versus the “Myths” of Romantic Love
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The scientific literature has already demonstrated the benefits of romantic love as a key protective factor in the prevention of violence. Some recent publications affirm that romantic love is a powerful cause of gender violence following two steps. First, they attribute a list of causes of violence to romantic love calling them “the myths of romantic love”, including lack of freedom and the normalization of coercion. Nonetheless, research has not explored in depth yet whether what they call “romantic love myths” are consubstantial characteristics of romantic love or not. To that end, this study conducts a historical literature review of scientific articles, books, literary and musical works from diverse cultures and periods. Findings show those myths are not characteristics of romantic love; on the contrary, the literature reviewed shows six main characteristics of romantic love that demonstrate it is the opposite of those myths, as it has freed women from feudal and other subjugations throughout history.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Paula Cañaveras, Garazi Lopez de Aguileta; Mengna Guo; Elisabeth Torras-Gómez; Alba Crespo-López; Benjamín Menéndez-Martínez, Maria del Pilar Fernández-González; Lidia Puigvert-Mallart, Ramon Flecha
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