Women's Narratives and Political Problems in Indonesian History Textbooks





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A review of historical learning in developing gender justice can start from basic questions about the construction of women's narratives in textbooks. This study aims to investigate women's narratives and their political problems in Indonesian history textbooks. This research was conducted with descriptive qualitative method. Sources of data come from textbooks published by Puskurbuk and Erlangga. Data analysis used Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). The results of this study indicate that the distribution of women based on regional origin and time is quite problematic, women are characterized as weak human beings. Women's role are categorized into six; women as wives, aristocratic relatives, parents or mothers, warriors, leaders, and politicians. Women's narratives are shaped by patriarchal power and by the impetus of anti-feminist ideology. Thus, the meaning of women's narratives is not very visible. A historical narrative with a feminist perspective is needed to create a more ideal Indonesian history to be taught in schools.


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How to Cite

Kurniawan, G. F. (2023). Women’s Narratives and Political Problems in Indonesian History Textbooks. Social and Education History, 12(3), 233–253. https://doi.org/10.17583/hse.12172


