Rural teachers against school concentrations: the origin of the Rural School Zones


  • Juan Agustín González Rodríguez University of Lleida
  • Núria Llevot-Calvet University of Lleida
  • Mari Paz López-Teulón University of Lleida
  • Olga Bernad University of Lleida



Nowadays, the idea that Rural School benefits students and the community is commonly shared. However, historically it has not always been like that. During the Francoism, its extinction came to seek, especially with the General Education Law. In this context, several rural teachers, who opposed school concentrations and sought alternatives, were organized at the end of the 70s and early 80s through their participation in the Rural School Workshops. This article, through interviews with rural teachers who played a primordial role in these days, seeks to know the role of rural educators in the processes of change during the democratic transition. The results show that these teachers were those who questioned the educational policies of the time and those who posed the rural school model that is still existing today.


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Author Biographies

Juan Agustín González Rodríguez, University of Lleida


Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the University of Lleida (Spain) and the Antonio de Nebrija University (Spain). His lines of research are focused on the history of rural education, the sociology of education in rural environments and the agricultural labor market. He has published various papers and book chapters on these topics. He has conducted a research stay at the University of Bologna and has given lessons at the University of La Rioja (Spain), Rome La Sapienza (Italy) and the University of Andorra (Andorra). He is a member of the GR-OSE Research Group, Grup Interuniversitari d'Escola Rural and the Chair of Socioeconomic Studies and depopulation of the rural territory of Lleida.

Núria Llevot-Calvet, University of Lleida

Professor at the Department of Pedagogy of the University of Lleida, Catalonia, Spain (Serra Hunter Programme of the Generalitat of Catalonia). Her lines of research focus on mediation and intercultural education, religious diversity, ethnic minorities and cooperation between Africa and Europe. He has carried out several research stays at universities such as Sherbrooke, Quebec, Montreal, Paris, Mostar, Dakar, Rome; he has given lectures and training courses in various centers and has published articles in journals, as well as book chapters and books. She is a member of the Board of the Research Institute "INDEST" and of the Research Group GR-ASE "Educational and Social Analysis" of the UdL (

Mari Paz López-Teulón, University of Lleida

Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the University of Lleida and director of the Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Social Work. She graduated in Philosophy and Education Sciences, she graduated in Social Education, master in socio -educational intervention in multicultural contexts and a doctor in pedagogy from the University of Lleida. The lines of research is focused on associationism and immigration, rural education, cultural and religious diversity, communication pedagogy, sociocultural animation and development cooperation. She is a member of the GR-OSE group (Grup de Recerca I Anàlisi Social I Educational) of the University of Lleida and the Gier Group (Interuniversity Group of Rural School).

Olga Bernad, University of Lleida

Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the University of Lleida and collaborating professor at the Open University of Catalonia. Her lines of research focusesare focused on the sociology of education in rural environments, history of rural education, family-school relationship, cultural and religious diversity, and inclusive school. She has conducted research, teaching and training stays at the universities of Montréal, Romatre, Bologna and Dakar; She has participated in National and European research and transfer projects; She has given lessons at the University of La Rioja (Spain), Università di Bologna (Italy) and University of Andorra (Andorra). She has taught conferences and training courses in different centers and has published articles in renowned magazines, as well as book chapters and books. He is a member of the GR-OSE "Educational and Social Analysis" of the UDL, of the Chair of Socioeconomic Studies and depopulation of the rural territory of Lleida and also of other interuniversity networks and groups, highlighting: the Ibero-American Network of Education In Rural Territories (Ribeter), the International Network for Research in Educational Law (Riide) and the Interuniversity Group of Rural School (GIER).




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How to Cite

González Rodríguez, J. A., Llevot-Calvet, N. ., López-Teulón, M. P., & Bernad-Cavero, O. (2023). Rural teachers against school concentrations: the origin of the Rural School Zones. Social and Education History, 12(1).


