Platforming Public Education: Addressing Socio-Digital Inequalities and Strengthening the Role of Public Administration in Catalonia






Socio-digital inequalities manifest in a variety of ways. Research in this field has demonstrated that different social groups use and learn through digital technologies informally by mimicking the behaviours and practices they observe in their immediate social contexts. At the same time, the development, and distribution of digital technologies often stem from deterministic perspectives, which can limit reflection on their potential uses and drawbacks. This paper delves into socio-digital inequalities that arise from the process of platformising public education in Catalonia. Our analysis draws on mixed-methods research conducted throughout 2022, which included in-depth interviews with experts, interviews with school and institute directors, focus groups with teachers, focus groups with students, and a questionnaire survey of families with children in compulsory education. Our findings highlight several aspects that could impede equitable implementation of digital platforms in education, and inform recommendations to strengthen the role of public administration in this process.


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How to Cite

Jacovkis, J. ., Rivera-Vargas, P., & Helsper, E. J. . (2024). Platforming Public Education: Addressing Socio-Digital Inequalities and Strengthening the Role of Public Administration in Catalonia. International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 13(1), 39–57.


