“Links between Pornography Consumption and Demand for Prostitution. Evidence from Academia and Activism
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This article explores the relationship between pornography and prostitution. First, it shows how the consumption of pornography is one of the main gateways to prostitution, highlighting how its visualization facilitates access to prostitution and the exercise of violence against women in this space. It also shows how pornography continues to play a fundamental role in the prostitution field, as it is reproduced in these places to encourage demand. Secondly, it reveals how a significant percentage of women in prostitution are also used by the porn industry for the production of pornographic material, forcing them to be filmed. Thirdly, it traces the close relationship between survivors of sexual exploitation, prostitution and pornography, and the feminist movement in which many of its victims are integrated to demand the abolition of these practices of sexual violence. It concludes, therefore, an evident feedback between the prostitutional system and the pornographic industry, inferring that without the abolition of both, the integrity and freedom of women and girls will not be possible.
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