Bullying and gender violence at school: analysis of teacher perceptions


  • Cecilia Latorre-Cosculluela University of Zaragoza
  • Verónica Sierra-Sánchez University of Zaragoza
  • Ana Rodríguez-Martínez University of Zaragoza
  • María Aguareles-Alonso University of Zaragoza



Nowadays gender violence and bullying continue to be considered a matter of great concern to society. This study analyses the teachers' perceptions of these two social problems in the educational context. The interventions that are carried out from the school to prevent and respond to these behaviours are studied. From a methodological point of view, the study responds to the paradigm of qualitative research. We interviewed fifteen teachers of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Secondary Education of the Spanish educational system. The information collected indicates that teachers advocate a necessary reinforcement of emotional competencies and social skills from schools. In addition, they express their dissatisfaction due to the insufficient strategies applied from the school to respond to these violent behaviours. These results support any initiative that aims to train teachers to prevent possible cases of bullying or gender violence.


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Author Biographies

Cecilia Latorre-Cosculluela, University of Zaragoza

PhD in Education. Department of Educational Sciences

Verónica Sierra-Sánchez, University of Zaragoza

Predoctoral researcher in training in the Departmento of Educational Sciences

Ana Rodríguez-Martínez, University of Zaragoza

Lecturer in Education. Department of Educational Sciences

María Aguareles-Alonso, University of Zaragoza

Primary Education Teacher with a specialty in Therapeutic Pedagogy. Department of Educational Sciences


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How to Cite

Latorre-Cosculluela, C., Sierra-Sánchez, V., Rodríguez-Martínez, A., & Aguareles-Alonso, M. (2021). Bullying and gender violence at school: analysis of teacher perceptions. International Journal of Sociology of Education, 10(3), 294–317. Retrieved from https://www.hipatiapress.com/hpjournals/index.php/rise/article/view/7875


