Spanish Language Proficiency and the Academic Gap between Children of Immigrants and Native Students in Spain: Evidence from a Case Study




Spanish language proficiency is often suggested as a factor in explaining the lower academic achievement of immigrant students in Spain. However, the absence of research that simultaneously measures both variables among immigrants and natives has prevented the Language Deficit Hypothesis from being tested. This paper aims to filling this gap through a case study (n=1,461). After controlling for social origin, we find that the explanatory capacity of the knowledge of Spanish variable is partial and small. It proves to be a relevant variable for achievement, but most of children of immigrants demonstrate a high level of Spanish proficiency. The composition of this student body, with high percentages of youths coming from Spanish-speaking countries, born in Spain and others with more than five years living in this country, help to explain this result.


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Author Biography

Alberto Álvarez-Sotomayor, Universidad de Córdoba

Alberto Álvarez-Sotomayor is Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities (University of Córdoba). He holds a PhD in Sociology. His main research interests are the determinants of educational disadvantage and the integration of children of immigrants into host societies.


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How to Cite

Álvarez-Sotomayor, A. (2021). Spanish Language Proficiency and the Academic Gap between Children of Immigrants and Native Students in Spain: Evidence from a Case Study. International Journal of Sociology of Education, 10(3), 218–245. Retrieved from


