Cultural conflicts in couple relationships among moroccan-origin students in south-eastern Spain


  • Verónica C. Cala Universidad de Almeria
  • Encarnación Soriano-Ayala University of Almeria



Sentimental relationships in adolescents of foreign origin involve a process of negotiation between values, norms and prescriptions of two societies, which can lead to cultural conflicts. This study analyses the narratives about relationships and the cultural and religious tensions generated in 25 students of Moroccan origin, aged 15-19. The results reveal a heterogeneous, but mostly liberal, understanding of relationships, where virtuality and instability prevail, in which Moroccan family values persist. A diversity of discourses is described with regard to love and the couple, although marriage, monogamy and fidelity are maintained. Young Muslims, mostly men, maintain a positive view of jealousy linked to a culture of honour. They manifest a construction of gender in the couple in conflict between liberal and traditional forms in Moroccan women, while men express traditional forms of masculinity. They also report cultural and religious conflicts over (1) sexuality, especially in relation to virginity; and (2) the conception of gender roles in the couple and macho violence within the family. In these aspects, a triple culture shock is observed: within the family, with the community of origin and with the Spanish community. These aspects should be considered for the cross-cultural adaptation of teen dating violence prevention programmes.


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Author Biographies

Verónica C. Cala, Universidad de Almeria

Asistant teacher

Research methods in education

Education faculty

Encarnación Soriano-Ayala, University of Almeria

Professor of Research Methods in Education at the University of Almería (Spain) and director of the research group "Research and Evaluation in Intercultural Education". She is the author and editor of numerous books and articles on issues of intercultural education, cultural identity, intercultural citizenship, and interculturality and gender. Currently she is managing and coordinating several research projects dealing with “teen dating violence in autochthonous and immigrant adolescents”.


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How to Cite

Cala, V. C., & Soriano-Ayala, E. (2023). Cultural conflicts in couple relationships among moroccan-origin students in south-eastern Spain. International Journal of Sociology of Education, 12(1), 85–110.


