The Expansion of Higher Education in Brazil: Credentials & Merit


  • Maria Ligia Barbosa Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




This article tries to outline an exploratory sociological approach to highereducation in Brazil. Its specific contribution would be to raise hypotheses toexplain some of the social and economic inefficiencies in Brazilian system ofhigher education. Beginning with the increasing differential returns this level ofeducation, this article explores the case of technologists in order to develophypothesis on the social meaning of third level schooling. We use studies on therelationship between education and work and two sociological models(meritocratic and credentialist) and the contribution of sociology of professionsto comprehend the role of knowledge and social position in determining thereturns to education.

The domain of academic bias in Brazilian education system seems toorganize social forces that tend to generate some of its inefficiencies. They canappear in inability to adequately qualify to job market or in the production ofinnovations and patent registration. The most outstanding inefficiency would bethat new groups who manage to get college degree are excluded by thedevaluation of some titles and by the subordination of certain careers and typesof training to the academic model.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, M. L. (2012). The Expansion of Higher Education in Brazil: Credentials & Merit. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 2(3), 251–271.


