O programa Mundu Novu e a brecha digital no Ensino Básico em Cabo Verde desde o ponto de vista dos professores


  • Salvador Semedo Instituto Superior de Formación del Profesorado de Cabo Verde
  • Prudencia Gutiérrez Esteban Universidad de Extremadura



Last decade the number of computers in Cabo Verde increased notably, making influences on important sectors for the country development. For many years traditional knowledge are not being enough in order to guarantee the productivity unless it was complemented by ICT area of influence. In the survey the conditions and contributions of Compulsory Education subsystem to the national growth development are studied, meanwhile educational authorities have already started an education reform programmes, which aims to change the educational paradigm within the country by implementing "Mundu Novu" program. This work shows a descriptive analysis about the use of ICT as educational tools for support learning and its role to overcome the digital divide from teachers’ opinions. In relation to the research method, a qualitative approach was used through interviews to teachers in service from the six areas belonging Northern Region at Santiago Island in Cabo Verde.


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