Principals’ views on policies and practices for the educational inclusion of Roma people


  • Christos Parthenis University of Athens,
  • George Fragoulis Hellenic Open University



The role of school principals is recognized as crucial for the daily operation of schools in general and specifically for the management of the challenges posed by the increasing diversity of the current era. In this article, kindergarten principals’ views regarding policies and practices for the management of diversity with reference to one of the most marginalized group, the Roma people, are examined. For this purpose, ten semi-structured interviews with kindergarten principals in areas in which Roma people live either in settlements or inside the residential areas were conducted. Data analysis indicates that principals are aware of the inadequacies of the policies regarding the Roma people and they propose a series of measures at local and central level for the improvement of the school inclusion of Roma children. However, principals are also trapped to a deficit discourse that transfers to the Roma people the major responsibility for their social and educational exclusion.


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Author Biographies

Christos Parthenis, University of Athens,

Department of Educational Studies, Ass. Professor

George Fragoulis, Hellenic Open University

Ma Programme "Educational Studies", Teaching staff.


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How to Cite

Parthenis, C., & Fragoulis, G. (2020). Principals’ views on policies and practices for the educational inclusion of Roma people. International Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(3), 234–261.


