Sociological Theory from Dialogic Democracy


  • Elisabeth Torras-Gómez University of Barcelona
  • Mengna Guo University of Barcelona
  • Mimar Ramis University of Barcelona




Despite the long dialogical tradition both in Eastern and Western societies, in recent years the social dialogical turn is more and more evident in many domains of life. Citizens increasingly demand to have a saying in the seeking of solutions for their problematics, and advocate for a more democratic approach to science that fosters the inclusion of all voices and enhances the agency of citizens in social transformation. Therefore, global scientific research is progressively more oriented towards co-creation as a means to ensure social impact. In this context, social theory can provide the theoretical foundations to better address the societal challenges of concern, as well as the mechanisms to properly design research oriented to produce social impact, such as communicative methodology, and to monitor and evaluate such impact. Social theory would then serve its ultimate goal: to contribute to the improvement of societies. Sociology was born as part of the democracies to provide citizens with elements of analysis that would make it possible for them to make their decisions with the prior evidence of the consequences of each option. After a process of democratization, we return to the original sense, but now in a more democratic situation.


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Author Biographies

Elisabeth Torras-Gómez, University of Barcelona

Department of Sociology

Mengna Guo, University of Barcelona

Department of Sociology

Mimar Ramis, University of Barcelona

Department of Sociology


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How to Cite

Torras-Gómez, E., Guo, M., & Ramis, M. (2019). Sociological Theory from Dialogic Democracy. International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 8(3), 216–234.


