Anxiety Towards Mathematics in High School Students in Colombia






The development of mathematical competencies in preservice teachers is especially important because firs of all, they must master the mathematical contents, which they will later teach their future students. However, their attitudes towards the subject will influence their teaching practice. For this reason, there is quite interest to inquire about affective aspects of students who intend to carry out the teaching work, especially, because of the impact they will have on their future students. Concretely in this paper the attitudes, and in particular the anxiety towards mathematics of future Normalistas Superiores from the north of Tolima in Colombia are analysed, since these will be educators at the elementary education, and among their obligations, will be to guide their students in the subject of mathematics. This descriptive-exploratory study analyses the evaluations given by 83 high school students belonging to two of the Normales Superiores of the department of Tolima. To collect the information used a Likert (Auzmendi, 1992) scale type, designed and validated in high school students to measure attitudes towards mathematics, was found that, contrary to the trend in previous studies of showing greater anxiety in women than in men, in the Normal Superior of Villahermosa, men present higher levels.


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How to Cite

Franco-Buriticá, E., Maz-Machado, A., León-Mantero, C. ., & Casas-Rosal, J. C. . (2024). Anxiety Towards Mathematics in High School Students in Colombia. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 14(1), 79–95.


