Rightist Education and Godly Technology: Cultural Politics, Gender, and the Work of Home Schooling

Educación derechista y tecnología piadosa: Política cultural, género y el trabajo de educar en casa


  • Michael W. Apple University of Wisconsin-Madison





The secularity of the state is seen by 'authoritarian populist' religious conservatives as imposing a world-view that is out of touch with the deep religious commitments that guide their lives. In the process, authoritarian populists have taken on subaltern identities and claimed that they are the last truly dispossessed groups. To demonstrate their increasing power in educational and social policy, I situate a specific set of technologies-the Internet-within the social context of its use in this community. I focus on the growing home-schooling movement and suggest that to understand the societal meaning and uses of these technologies, we need to examine the social movement that provides the context for their use. I also argue that we need to analyze critically the kind of labor that is required in home schooling, who is engaged in such labor, and how such labor is interpreted by the actors who perform it.


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How to Cite

Apple, M. W. (2011). Rightist Education and Godly Technology: Cultural Politics, Gender, and the Work of Home Schooling: Educación derechista y tecnología piadosa: Política cultural, género y el trabajo de educar en casa. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 1(1), 5–33. https://doi.org/10.4452/remie.2011.01


