The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Bilingual Education: A Study on The Improvement of the Oral Language Skill




The objective of this study is to enquire how effectively the application of emotional intelligence is in the process of the acquisition of the oral skills in the foreign language at an early age, specifically in the first year of primary education. The findings obtained in this investigation proceed from a study in which we have analyzed and compared a bilingual educative programme that integrates the dimensions of emotional intelligence in its curriculum, AMCO, with other approaches in which this type of attention is not previously organized in their programs such as CLIL and the teaching of a foreign language. The results show that students who have been exposed to a methodology that integrates techniques for the application of emotional intelligence obtain better marks in the oral production of the L2 favouring its acquisition. Furthermore the study found evidence that these students were more motivated in the process of speaking and showed more self-esteem, and self-control in the classroom interactions.



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Author Biography

Cristina Morilla-García, University of Cordoba

Department of English and German Philology


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How to Cite

Morilla-García, C. (2017). The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Bilingual Education: A Study on The Improvement of the Oral Language Skill. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 7(1), 27–52.


