Examination of the Participation of Roma Families in the Educational System: Difficulties and Successful Practices


  • Rocío Merchán-Ríos University of Córdoba
  • Silvia Abad-Merino Universidad de Córdoba
  • Blas Segovia-Aguilar University of Córdoba





Discrimination faced by Roma students leads to high rates of academic failure and school dropout while structural barriers continue to hinder their inclusion in the education system. Educational research shows that the engagement of families contributes to inclusion, academic success, and improvement of the quality of education. However, educational barriers and school segregation practices show the traditional deficiency of effective tools to promote family participation among the Roma population. Understanding the barriers that Roma families find to participate in the educational system involves the examination of complex processes and dynamics that we observe in practice and the role of the different actors in the schooling of Roma students. Schools as Learning Communities provide the democratic scenario to develop the type of relational and collaborative conditions that help both educators and families to participate in successful educational actions linked to school performance. The development of family engagement action plans connected to student achievement and the incorporation of the perspectives of Roma families can successfully increase their opportunities and expectations in the education system.


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Author Biographies

Rocío Merchán-Ríos, University of Córdoba

Rocío Merchán-Ríos is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Education of the University of Córdoba

Blas Segovia-Aguilar, University of Córdoba

Blas Segovia-Aguilar is a professor in the Department of Education of the University of Córdoba


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How to Cite

Merchán-Ríos, R., Abad-Merino, S., & Segovia-Aguilar, B. (2023). Examination of the Participation of Roma Families in the Educational System: Difficulties and Successful Practices. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.17583/remie.11616


