Mathematical Argumentation Based on Refutations


  • Jonathan Alberto Cervantes-Barraza UNIVERSIDAD DEL ATLÁNTICO
  • Maria Guadalupe Cabañas Sánchez UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE GUERRERO



The study aims to identify the implications of refutation in arguments with elementary school students. The reconstruction and analysis of the arguments and refutations among fifth and sixth grade students in the context of the solution of mathematical tasks related to the classification of triangles according to the measure of their interior angles is presented. Theoretically, the study is based on the basic concepts of the argumentation and proof research line, in particular mathematical argumentation, reasoning and refutation are addressed. Findings of the study document the implications of the refutation of conclusions in the context of solving mathematical tasks at the elementary level, and it is recognized that students build improved arguments based on characteristics and properties of triangles.


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Author Biographies

Jonathan Alberto Cervantes-Barraza, UNIVERSIDAD DEL ATLÁNTICO

Candidato a Doctor en Ciencias con especialidad en Matemática Educativa de la universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México.


Guadalupe Cabañas Sánchez es una profesora del departamento de matemáticas en la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Mexico. Investiga sobre argumentación y prueba en matemáticas, algebra temprana, razonamiento matemático y formación de profesores.


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