Mathematical Modelling from a Semiotic-Cognitive Approach
Mathematical modelling has acquired relevance in different fields at an international level, both in education and research. This article states that, throughout the construction of the theoretical corpus of this mathematical process and competency – among others – two big issues have occurred: one of terminological nature since the definitions surrounding modelling have varied, and other of representational nature since different representations have been proposed to explain modelling as a cyclical process. These two issues occur mainly due to the diversity of positions on how modelling is understood and how this process is tried to be explained. To address the terminological issue, a position was adopted on the terminology surrounding modelling in Mathematics Education, based on the main theoretical developments of ICTMA Community. To address the representational issue, a modelling cycle from a semiotic-cognitive approach that represents this process in a non-set way is proposed, that is, without a strict separation between «real world» and «mathematical world». In this way, a proposal aligned with a system of theoretical principles (terminology and structure), a methodology (modelling cycle), and sketches of research questions (for future theoretical and empirical developments) is presented to address both issues.
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