Addressing ageism in Polish ageing policy – critical remarks


  • Barbara Mikołajczyk University of Silesia




Poland is one of the European Union Member States ageing the fastest. This dynamic demographic situation calls for an effective ageing policy and law that help to reduce or prevent ageism, which pushes older individuals outside of mainstream society. This paper investigates how ageism is currently being addressed in Polish law and ageing policy and indicates gaps and deficiencies in this area. The research focuses on selected samples of the most recent instruments focused on older persons, including those related to local governments, as they are closest to older residents. The author argues that introducing older persons' issues into the legal agenda and various social strategies is insufficient to bring about the authentic inclusion of older persons into mainstream society without applying a human rights-based approach to ageing and understanding various aspects of ageism. In the author's opinion, the effective ageing policy cannot be considered in isolation from the overall condition of democratic institutions and international human rights law.



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How to Cite

Mikołajczyk, B. (2023). Addressing ageism in Polish ageing policy – critical remarks. Research on Ageing and Social Policy, 11(1).


