The Widowed Women in Spain


  • Juan López Doblas Universidad de Granada



In Spain, little knowledge exists on the living arrangements of the widowed women. This paper approaches the above mentioned object of study from a sociological perspective. The theoretical exposition gathers contributions of researches realized in other countries where this question has been treated, considering if they live alone, if they share the home with children and/or with relatives of other generations, or if they have returned to find couple. A descriptive empirical analysis is carried out, using secondary information proceeding from several censuses of population, which reveals the continuous expansion that living alone is registering, and the detriment of the intergenerational conviviality. It is also necessary to emphasize how the living arrangements change depending on the life course and, from the sociodemographic perspective, how the widowhood tends to intensively be concentrated in the old age.


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How to Cite

López Doblas, J. (2016). The Widowed Women in Spain. Research on Ageing and Social Policy, 4(1), 22–44.


