Poverty Intervention in Relation to the Older Population in a Time of Economic Crisis: The Portuguese Case


  • Inês Gomes Universidade Nova de Lisboa
  • Maria Irene Carvalho ULHT
  • Isabella Paoletti





In times of economic crisis, the distribution and impact of its effects vary greatly among social groups, due to the different level of exposure and availability of resources. This article conducts a policy analysis of the most important public policies and programmes fighting elderly poverty in Portugal, in the last two decades.It critically analyses the actual social and political situation, from three main perspectives: poverty approach; gender mainstream and public-private partnerships. The latest restriction measures have been jeopardizing the fight against poverty conducted in the last 15 years. Although poverty among the elderly is presently considered a political priority, no comprehensive policies are being developed. The policy interventions are directed towards extreme situations of poverty and dependency. Preventive measures are excluded from policies planning. The state is increasingly delegating to the social sector the social care responsibilities. Gender mainstream is still a rhetoric concept.


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Author Biographies

Inês Gomes, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Licenciada, mestre e doutorada em Serviço Social pelo ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa

Isabella Paoletti

Research at CLUNL, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon Portugal


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How to Cite

Gomes, I., Carvalho, M. I., & Paoletti, I. (2014). Poverty Intervention in Relation to the Older Population in a Time of Economic Crisis: The Portuguese Case. Research on Ageing and Social Policy, 2(1), 88–114. https://doi.org/10.4471/rasp.2014.04


