Health Behavior of People Over 60 and Their Dependence on Socio-Economic Factors
Health behaviour are human actions which directly or indirectly influence our health. The elderly are a group of people who should especially take care of their health. Taking up this issue is justified by the rising life expectancy of the society and the related increasing costs of social care. Considering the current situation, it seems required to provide the older generation with education in the field of health promotion and health behaviour. The study involved 689 individuals over 60 years of age from Poland. A diagnostic survey was applied in the research. A survey technique was used including the Health Behaviour Inventory (HBI) and own questionnaire. Elderly people have more health behaviour associated with prophylactic measures and a positive mental attitude, but least related to eating habits. Women, people over 75 years of age and better educated people with good financial standing adopt significantly more health behaviour. The subject concerning health behaviour of elderly people needs to be further explored and completed. This study may contribute to better quality of life in elderly population.
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