Reclaiming the community potential to improve the lives of older citizens
This article reports the results of a case study in southern Portugal, in a community where ageing related processes seem to be speeding in the last decades. In this case study we used non-structured interviews to an extensive set of social actors, but also biographical interviews. Our main aim was to understand the contradictions and challenges posed by the ageing processes, and the way those processes affect the daily lives of people of the community, looking closely to the older adults’ situation. In Portugal, the mainstream social policy is creating the conditions for an increasing institutionalisation of older citizens. Not denying the fact that in later life such social support is fundamental, we point out the disadvantages that such institutionalisation brings to older adults. We also try show the importance of community, especially for the elderly. We argue that today it is crucial to regain the community potential to improve the quality of life of older adults.
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