The Impact of Gendered Ageism and Related Intersectional Inequalities on the Health and Well-being of Older Women
Gendered ageism contributes to invisibility and homogenization of older women, harming their health, quality of life and limiting their social participation. Health issues related to aging have received increasing attention in the scientific literature. However, studies on aging that include a gender dimension or ethnic aspects remain scarce. This article presents the results of a systematic review on older women’s health and wellbeing, gender inequalities, age discrimination experienced by older women and their intersections with other forms of discrimination. Between January and February 2023, we conducted a literature review using PRISMA in the Web of Science Core Collection, MEDLINE and SciELO Citation Index. We selected 43 empirical studies from different countries focusing on women over 65 years. The findings show the incidence of discrimination and inequality in health care experienced by older women, ageist attitudes among health care providers and other professionals, experiences of abuse and gender-based violence among older women. Additionally, the study examines the impact of ageism and other forms of discrimination on the health of LGBTQ+ older people, ethnic minorities, older women with disabilities, and other non-traditional groups.
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