Discourses of Aging in a Malaysian Online Newspaper: Shaping of the Perceptions of Society
Media representations of aging and older adults is an influential platform for shaping public discourse about aging related matters. Previous research has highlighted that the media’s depictions of older adults are often limited and biased. Such representations significantly influence society’s perceptions of the aging population. With population aging being currently a global social concern, such negative representations raise critical questions about media’s portrayal of aging related matters. Taking on the view that aging is a socially constructed phenomenon, we undertake a Discourse Analysis of 83 online news reports on aging from May 2022 to May 2023, from Malaysia’s high readership online newspaper, The Star. The results unveil several dominant discourses associated with aging, such as discourse of implications, positive aging and negative aging. The study provides valuable insights into the language used and the portrayal of aging populations in newspapers which play a vital role in shaping societal perceptions of aging, which can be either favourable or detrimental for the aging population’s self-worth and dignity. We advocate for more positive portrayals using inclusive language that is crucial for developing a cultural mindset that appreciates and honours the dignity of older members of society.
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