Quality Indicators for Residential Long-Term Care for the Elderly: A Scoping Review








The objective of this study was to review the existing literature on the evaluation of care in residential homes for elderly, considering its quality through quality indicators, using secondary databases. A systematic search was conducted, following the PRISMA guidelines for scoping reviews. One hundred and ten studies were included, in which 1,239 indicators were identified. More than half of the identified indicators (N=663, 53%) were linked to outcomes, with about 33% (N=413) related to structure, and 14% (N=175) to process indicators. The most frequently studied indicators as dependent variables were: "Pressure ulcer," "Staffing issues," and "Psychotropic Drug Use." As independent variables, indicators relating to structure were prominent: "Facility characteristics," "Resident characteristics," and "Staffing Issues”. There is a broad consensus around a care approach centered on clinical and structural aspects, in accordance with the profile of residents, and reflecting historical concerns about quality of care and patient safety that were the origin of quality assessment systems, and which remain the focus of concerns to this day.


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How to Cite

Loureiro, N., & Martin, J. I. (2024). Quality Indicators for Residential Long-Term Care for the Elderly: A Scoping Review. Research on Ageing and Social Policy, 12(2), 82–104. https://doi.org/10.17583/rasp.13874


