Commitment and Job Satisfaction in Working Older People in a Municipality in South-Central Chile


  • Juan Carlos Peña Axt Universidad Autónoma de Chile
  • Loreto Arias Lagos Departamento de Ciancias Sociales, Universidad de la Frontera, Chile
  • Freddy Vera Cornejo Instituto Iberoamericano de Desarrollo Sostenible, Universidad Autónoma de Chile
  • María Pilar Ferrada Peña Carrera de Trabajo Social, Universidad Autónoma de Chile.



This work is part of a broader investigation called diagnosis of labor relations with a gender perspective carried out in a municipality in south-central Chile. This work is of a quantitative nature and was carried out in a municipality in the south-central part of Chile. The population was 1255 officials, for which a sample of 365 people of different age groups was used. The analyzes are descriptive statistics and frequency tables and graphs are used. The results of this specific study of the elderly point to a high degree of job satisfaction and perception of a positive work environment. In this line, the data show that the older civil servants of this municipality do not feel discriminated against and do not stand out suffering situations of workplace violence, presenting similar percentages in all the age groups that were part of the sample. At the same time, these same data point to a positive perception of gender gaps in the workplace.


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How to Cite

Peña Axt, J. C., Arias Lagos , L. ., Vera Cornejo, F., & Ferrada Peña, M. P. . (2023). Commitment and Job Satisfaction in Working Older People in a Municipality in South-Central Chile. Research on Ageing and Social Policy, 11(2), 195–218.


