Let Me Put It Another Way: Methodological Considerations on the Use of Participatory Photography Based on an Experiment with Teenagers in Secondary Schools


  • Jose M. Coronel University of Huelva
  • Iván Rodríguez Pascual University of Huelva





This article reflects on the use of participant photography as a methodological component of a qualitative research study into student intercultural relations in four secondary schools in Spain. Forty boys and girls took part and we selected over 400 photographs they had taken. The article draws attention to the importance of student ‘voices’ to show the interaction processes and the value of participatory photography as an approach that encourages their participation beyond the traditional interviews and field observations. The results acknowledge the value of photography to reflect the relationships among adolescents. However, while the experiment was positively rated by the participants, the study recognises the risks taken and the achievements, constraints, dilemmas and difficulties encountered by the investigators carrying out the research.


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Author Biographies

Jose M. Coronel, University of Huelva

Department of Education


Department of Education. University of Huelva. Campus de El Carmen s/n 21007 Huelva (Spain).


Phone: 34 949 219 235

Fax: 34 959 219 224


Iván Rodríguez Pascual, University of Huelva

Department of Sociology and Social Work


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How to Cite

Coronel, J. M., & Rodríguez Pascual, I. (2013). Let Me Put It Another Way: Methodological Considerations on the Use of Participatory Photography Based on an Experiment with Teenagers in Secondary Schools. Qualitative Research in Education, 2(2), 98–129. https://doi.org/10.4471/qre.2013.20


