Narrative Inquiry on Factors that Promote School Success on Students at Risk


  • Diego Martín Alonso Universidad de Málaga
  • Nieves Blanco García Universidad de Málaga



Boys and girls at risk or from unfavorable sociocultural backgrounds do not often have a story of school success. However, in spite of the difficulties, there are some who are able to achieve it. The aim of this research is to investigate which pedagogical factors lead male students from an unfavorable background to school success. The focus lies on the experience lived by male students and the meaning they give to their experiences. For these reasons, the paper is outlined from a narrative point of view and it is focused on the experience lived by two male teenagers who are considered to success at school. Data collection has been done through open-ended interviews that lead us to compose students’ narratives of experience. Results –and their analysis- are related to: positive attitude and commitment towards school; construction of a positive self-concept; and the importance of “personalising” the educative relationship.


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Author Biography

Diego Martín Alonso, Universidad de Málaga

Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar 

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Universidad de Málaga


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How to Cite

Martín Alonso, D., & Blanco García, N. (2018). Narrative Inquiry on Factors that Promote School Success on Students at Risk. Qualitative Research in Education, 7(3), 335–358.




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