Experiences of Young People in Contexts of Social Vulnerability during COVID-19: Narratives Combined with Photo-Elicitation





The impact that the pandemic has had on the population is unquestionable and how it has severely affected the most vulnerable groups, especially young people at risk of social exclusion. The objective is to understand through the use of narrative combined with visual methodologies, how COVID-19 has influenced the lives of young people exposed to situations of social vulnerability in relation to their fears, opportunities and expectations in their personal, academic trajectory and professional. Through a qualitative approach with the participation of 174 young people, 185 photos and 174 individual narratives and 14 co-narratives were analyzed. The categories of consequences, fears, opportunities and expectations co-occurred with seven other emerging ones, which refer to the great dimensions and vital spheres of young people: (1) work: new horizon in the present, (2) redraw training, (3) social networks-ICT: new links, (4) identity, who am I? Where am I going? (5) darkness and beauty in the pandemic, (6) value of time, and (7) sense of belonging. We conclude on the ability of these methods to delve into deep layers of meaning, as well as their formative power in educational practice.


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How to Cite

Camilli-Trujillo, C., & Fontana-Abad, M. (2023). Experiences of Young People in Contexts of Social Vulnerability during COVID-19: Narratives Combined with Photo-Elicitation. Qualitative Research in Education, 12(3), 197–224. https://doi.org/10.17583/qre.12102


