Methodological Strategies and Instruments of Approach on Studies of Emotions in Men: Narrative Review




This paper describes the methodological strategies and instruments of approachment based on empirical studies on emotions in men. We develop a narrative review in stages as follows: a) search question b) bibliographic search, c) recovery of studies without design limits, d) systematization of data, e) choice of studies, f) primary analysis, and g) evaluation and final thematic analysis. Databases such as Annual Reviews, Cambridge Collection, EBSCO, Academic One File Unique, Emmerald, Global Issues in Context, Informe Académico, Ingenta Connect, Jstor, Eric, Lippincott Williams & Wolkins, ProQuest, Science Direct, Scopus, Web of Science, Wiley and SciELO, were consulted in English, Portuguese and Spanish, with deadline June 2016, after validation of the descriptors of DeCS Health Sciences. 33 documents were identified, in which ethnography, grounded theory, and discourse analysis were the most used designs. Six studies do not report design. The interview is the most used technique combined with observation and participant observation. Findings show that qualitative methods are the most frequent instruments of research used in studies of emotions in men.


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Author Biographies

Giovane Mendieta-Izquierdo, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Profesor Doctorado en Bioética, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Bogota Colombia

Juan María Cuevas-Silva, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Profesor Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Editor Revista Latinoamericana de Bioética.


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How to Cite

Mendieta-Izquierdo, G., & Cuevas-Silva, J. M. (2019). Methodological Strategies and Instruments of Approach on Studies of Emotions in Men: Narrative Review. Masculinities &Amp; Social Change, 8(1), 66–90.




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