The Revival of the Beard from the Artistic and Visual Practices




The main aim of this research is to develop a critical analysis on the beard boom in the last 10th western society, based on the study of various artistic and visual practices stablished on this corporal attribute. From an analytical and comparative methodological perspective, we have contrasted a selection of artistic proposals starting from the contributions of masculinity studies, and various publications that have recently addressed this issue, delving into the construction process and the codes of representation of the hegemonic masculinity in our culture. The results from this confrontation have allowed us to verify the capacities of artistic and visual practices to address the presence of facial hair as one of the favorite anatomical marks in the western and patriarchal social imaginary to embody, represent, consolidate and differentiate the privileged model of traditional masculinity. And, on the other, understand its resurgence as a symptom of the strengthening of emerging conservative masculinities in our days.


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Author Biographies

Alfonso Del Rio Almagro, Universidad de Granada

Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Granada.

Director del Grupo de Investigacon HUM-425. Junta de Andalucia.

Mariano Pastrana de la Flor, University of Cadiz

Doctor en Bellas Artes (Universidad de Granada)
Miembro del Grupo de Investigaci´ón: HUM.425 (Universidad de Granada)
Profesor de Didáctica de la Expresión Plástica, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación (Universidad de Cádiz)


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How to Cite

Del Rio Almagro, A., & Pastrana de la Flor, M. (2022). The Revival of the Beard from the Artistic and Visual Practices. Masculinities &Amp; Social Change, 11(2), 185–210.


