Between Coercion and Consent: A Study on Male Sexual Violence in Heterosexual Partner Relationship





Objective: We present an analysis of the main characteristics of male sexual violence in partner relationships (types of sexual behaviour, male coercion methods and women’s reactions) as well as their prevalence. Method: The sample consisted of 110 women who attended public specialist support centres for women over 12 months. For the study, the women were grouped according to whether or not they mentioned partner violence (PV or NPV respectively), in an ex post facto design. Semi-structured interviews were used for the Exploration of Sexual Violence (ESV). Results: Descriptive, statistical and comparative analysis of the information showed no statistically significant differences in the types of sexual violence, that the most common method of coercion used is physical force, and that the most significant reactions are explicit refusal in the case of the PV group and active participation and feigning enjoyment in the NPV group. Conclusions: Our data shows that, when it is explored, both the PV and the NPV groups describe the male sexual violence exerted by their partners.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Mañas Viejo, Universidad de Alicante

Profesora Titular Universidad de Alicante

Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y Didáctica

Facultad de Educación

Instituto de Estudios de Género

Alicia Martinez Sanz, "Universidad de Alicante"

Doctora y profesora asociada

Departamento Psicología Evolutiva y Didáctica.ç

Facultad de Educación


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How to Cite

Mañas Viejo, C., & Martinez Sanz, A. (2020). Between Coercion and Consent: A Study on Male Sexual Violence in Heterosexual Partner Relationship. Masculinities &Amp; Social Change, 9(3), 235–260.


