Studying Men’s Violences: Some Key Methodological Principles in Developing a European Research Framework


  • Jeff Hearn University of Leeds
  • Irina Novikova
  • Keith Pringle
  • Iva Å mídová
  • Marjut Jyrkinen
  • LeeAnn Iovanni
  • Fátima Arranz
  • Voldemar Kolga
  • Dag Balkmar
  • Marek M. Wojtaszek




This article sets out some key methodological principles in developing a European research framework for studying men’s violences. This involves attention to gendered analysis and gendered power relations; gender collaboration; interconnections between social arenas; ethical and political sensitivities; examining and problematising roots and explanations of men’s violences; building on and reviewing the contribution of Critical Studies on Men; use ofmultiple methods, methodologies and epistemological frames; and, addressing intersections of multiple dimensions of power and disadvantage. Together, these principles and perspectives assist in developing a comparative and transnational orientation, by attending to cultural variations, convergences and divergences in time and space, and intersecting forms of power relations in the study ofmen’s violences in a European context.


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How to Cite

Hearn, J., Novikova, I., Pringle, K., Å mídová, I., Jyrkinen, M., Iovanni, L., Arranz, F., Kolga, V., Balkmar, D., & Wojtaszek, M. M. (2013). Studying Men’s Violences: Some Key Methodological Principles in Developing a European Research Framework. Masculinities &Amp; Social Change, 2(1), 82–115.


