“So I Won’t Go to Jail”: Year Two of a PROMUNDO-Adapted Program to Eradicate Gender-Based Violence


  • Todd Powell-Williams Augusta University
  • Allison Foley Augusta University
  • Kim Davies Augusta University





This paper presents evaluation results of a PROMUNDO-adapted program enacted to reduce gender-based violence among preadolescent boys.  Outcomes that are examined include promoting critical thinking regarding masculinity, aggression, and violence; fostering skills necessary for effective communication, prosocial emotional expression, and non-violent conflict resolution.  While quantitative findings in this small sample do not indicate statistically significant results, qualitative analyses indicate that participants were better equipped to express their emotions, particularly anger, and to resolve conflict in non-violent ways that may slow the school-to-prison pipeline.


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Author Biographies

Todd Powell-Williams, Augusta University

Associate Professor of Sociology

Department of Social Sciences

Augusta University

Allison Foley, Augusta University

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

Department of Social Sciences

Director, Center for Social Science Research

Augusta University

Kim Davies, Augusta University

Professor of Sociology and Department Chair

Department of Social Sciences

Augusta University


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How to Cite

Powell-Williams, T., Foley, A., & Davies, K. (2020). “So I Won’t Go to Jail”: Year Two of a PROMUNDO-Adapted Program to Eradicate Gender-Based Violence. Masculinities &Amp; Social Change, 9(1), 85–105. https://doi.org/10.17583/mcs.2020.4599


