Expressions around Positive Masculinities on Mexican Facebook and TikTok Profiles. A Content Analysis Approach


  • Gabriel Perez-Salazar Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila





With the objective of identifying the way in which manifestations around masculinities take place in a selection of Mexican profiles that publish content in Spanish on both Facebook and TikTok, around proposals that oppose what Connell identifies as hegemonic masculinity, a content analysis was carried out on a non-probabilistic sample of publications and comments. Main results indicate that the proposals made in the observed sites revolve around participatory parenthood, given in the context of respectful couple relationships, with tolerance for sex-gender diversity, also highlighting free emotional expression as part of self-care that is both mental and physical. Some of the main conclusions suggest that, despite the resistance to the patriarchal structure that can be observed in the digital spaces studied, other research reveals that there are still many manifestations that shows asymmetric positions of power between different sex-gender identities.


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How to Cite

Perez-Salazar, G. (2024). Expressions around Positive Masculinities on Mexican Facebook and TikTok Profiles. A Content Analysis Approach. Masculinities &Amp; Social Change, 13(1), 42–62.


