The New Intercultural Alternative Masculinities for the Overcoming of Violence


  • Ana Toledo del Cerro Universitat de Barcelona






The role of masculinities in overcoming gender violence has been studied in different research studies. However, the role of new masculinities in overcoming violence from an intercultural perspective has not been dealt with in depth. This article presents the current state of the art on studies of new masculinities, aiming to clarify which models of masculinity offer interethnic possibilities for overcoming violence. Thus, a review of the scientific literature in international reference databases has been carried out. First, the dichotomy between the hegemonic model of masculinities that perpetuates violence and inequality, but is socially attractive, versus models of masculinity that have achieved great changes in terms of overcoming inequality, but without attractiveness, is presented. In the second section, we describe how the new model of alternative masculinity combines ethics and desire, thus overcoming the double standard between the two. This represents possibilities for men who want to contribute to overcoming gender violence by participating in more egalitarian relationships that unite ethics and passion.  Interethnic studies are presented that are based on this new model of alternative masculinity and that also breaks with white hegemony, thus breaking down racist prejudices and offering even more possibilities from this cultural diversity.


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Author Biography

Ana Toledo del Cerro, Universitat de Barcelona

Department of Sociology - University of Barcelona


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How to Cite

Toledo del Cerro, A. (2022). The New Intercultural Alternative Masculinities for the Overcoming of Violence. Masculinities &Amp; Social Change, 11(3), 211–236.


