Recommendations for the support of Roma university students




Although Roma youth are reaching higher education more frequently than previous generations, once at university they face specific barriers that limit their educational opportunities and hinder their academic trajectory. The UNIROMA: Roma in Spanish universities project, funded by the Plan Nacional I+D+i, sought to identify these barriers with the aim of formulating recommendations to overcome them. The research considered a mixed design, combining techniques such as a survey and in-depth interviews with Roma students at universities in Andalusia and Catalonia. The results obtained reveal barriers resulting from the intersectionality of various discrimination factors that affect these students: belonging to an ethnic minority, being more often first-generation and non-traditional students, and their socio-economic situation. In the case of women, barriers arising from gender discrimination are also added. In conclusion, the article develops four groups of measures to enhance equity in the university system that address the barriers identified. The measures consider peer-to-peer collaboration, economic and academic support and the promotion of Roma presence.


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Author Biography

Olga Serradell, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Olga Serradell, PhD, is currently a Associate Professor of Sociology and researcher for GEDIME (Study Group on Immigration and Ethnic Minorities) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Between 2006 and 2008 she was a postdoctoral researcher for CADIS (Center for Sociological Analysis and Intervention) in the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. Her work is linked to projects that study strategies to overcome the inequalities facing vulnerable groups, specifically ethnic minority women.


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How to Cite

Serradell , O., García-Cabrera, M. del M., Barrera-Rodríguez, M. F., & Ramírez, C. (2022). Recommendations for the support of Roma university students. International Journal of Roma Studies, 4(2), 172–203.


