Student Perceptions of Cognitive Efficiency: Implications for Instruction


  • Bobby Hoffman University of Central Florida




This study used a phenomenological approach with content analysis to create a model of how students perceive cognitive efficiency (CE), which is generally described as increases in the rate, amount, or conceptual clarity of knowledge, versus cognitive costs needed to attain knowledge. Graduate education students completed a five-item open-ended survey to measure perceptions of CE and what factors they believed enhanced or inhibited CE. Analysis of results revealed that student perceptions of CE predominantly focused on malleable aspects of self-regulated and reflective cognition, aligning with many descriptions of expert teaching. Students described a diminished emphasis on knowledge acquisition and information processing, in contrast to views typically associated with CE in instructional and psychological research(Hoffman & Schraw, 2010; van Gog & Paas, 2008). Practical teaching and learning implications, including suggestions for instructional practice and future research are presented.


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Author Biography

Bobby Hoffman, University of Central Florida

Dr. Bobby Hoffman is Associate Professor at the University of Central Florida. His research focuses upon cognitive efficiency, which investigates the role of optimal cognition when considering the costs related to learning such as working memory limitations, motivation, and strategy use.

Dr. Hoffman is currently the program director for UCF’s Applied Learning and Instruction program that has tripled in enrollment over the past two years. In addition, Bob was APA program co-chair for 2011 for Division 15 and serves on the editorial boards of Contemporary Educational Psychology, Educational Psychology Review, and Educational Technology, Research & Development.


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How to Cite

Hoffman, B. (2013). Student Perceptions of Cognitive Efficiency: Implications for Instruction. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 2(2), 109–143.


