How Much Guidance Do Students Need? An Intervention Study on Kindergarten Mathematics with Manipulatives





Research has shown that the efficacy of learning with manipulatives (e.g., fingers, blocks, or coins) is affected by multiple variables, including the amount of guidance teachers provide during learning. However, there is no consensus on how much guidance is necessary when learning with manipulatives. The goal of this study was to examine the optimal level of guidance during instruction with manipulatives. The focus was on the timing and level of guidance. The researcher taught students a lesson on counting from one to 10 with pennies and nickel strips. Kindergarten students were taught over five consecutive days in one of four conditions: high guidance, low guidance, high guidance that transitioned to low guidance, and low guidance that transitioned to high guidance. Results showed no difference in learning across the conditions. These results provide valuable information to teachers on the areas of mathematics that do not require the effort of high guidance. 


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Author Biographies

Erin Maria Horan, Association of American Colleges and Universities

Dr. Erin Horan is a Postdoctoral Research Analyst in the Office of Quality, Curriculum, and Assessment at the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). She holds a PhD from the University of Georgia in Educational Psychology, Applied Cognition and Development. This study is from her dissertation research performed under the direction of her advisor, Dr. Martha Carr. Her current research at AAC&U focuses on assessment and accreditation in higher education, specifically related to the validity of assessment techniques that utilize authentic student work.

Martha M. Carr, University of Georgia

Dr. Martha Carr was a University of Georgia (UGA) Aderhold Distinguished Professor of Educational Psychology and Research Fellow of the UGA Institute of Behavioral Research. Marty studied the factors that promote or inhibit mathematics achievement at various ages and educational stages. Her most recent work studied the impact of spatial skills on the developmental trajectory of mathematics competency. Her work focused on closing the mathematics achievement gap for students and her work has impacted, and will continue to impact, future research, teachers, and students.


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How to Cite

Horan, E. M., & Carr, M. M. (2018). How Much Guidance Do Students Need? An Intervention Study on Kindergarten Mathematics with Manipulatives. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 7(3), 286–316.


