Personality and Motivation: Replication, Extension, and Replication


  • Martin H Jones University of New Mexico
  • Stephanie Nichole McMichael University of New Mexico




Previous work examines the relationships between personality traits and intrinsic/extrinsic motivation. We replicate and extend previous work to examine how personality may relate to achievement goals, efficacious beliefs, and mindset about intelligence. Approximately 200 undergraduates responded to the survey with a 150 participants replicating the study two weeks later. When comparing data from the first and second collections, three of the five pathways for personality and achievement goals were replicated: neuroticism, openness, and agreeableness. For personality and efficacy three of the eight pathways remained significant from the first collection to the second. Openness was the only personality factor that significantly predicted participants’ mindset about their intelligence. Results suggest certain personality traits may correspond with different motivational self-beliefs, but these results were neither reliable nor consistent.


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Author Biographies

Martin H Jones, University of New Mexico

Faculty in Educational Psychology

Stephanie Nichole McMichael, University of New Mexico

Student in Psychology


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How to Cite

Jones, M. H., & McMichael, S. N. (2015). Personality and Motivation: Replication, Extension, and Replication. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 4(2), 170–197.


