Adolescents’ Resilience Evaluation Scale – ARES-i25 and the Analysis of its Psychometric Characteristics





This study was designed considering the necessity of a questionnaire (validated on Romanian population and built after consulting the available papers on the subject) for evaluating the resilience of adolescents. It was focused on further developing the ARES ("Adolescents’ Resilience Evaluation Scale”, built in 2018 as a pilot-study, with 62 subjects). This new form (ARES-i25) includes new theoretical aspects, new items and it was completed by 423 subjects. Using factorial exploratory analysis, five factors (which explained 72,1% of the variance of resilience) were identified: tenacity and self-efficiency; self-confidence; learn from life experiences; rapid recovery after trauma; social and familial resources. The reliability was proven by its internal consistency (α= .83 on a general level, and subscales .71<α> .89), while its concurrent validity was proven by .05<r> .75 (comparing the results to those of BRS - Smith et al., 2008) thus proving the adequate psychometric qualities of the new form of ARES-i25. Future studies will focus on extending the sample and on applying ARES-i25 in other countries and creating programs for developing resilience.


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How to Cite

Glaveanu, S. M. (2024). Adolescents’ Resilience Evaluation Scale – ARES-i25 and the Analysis of its Psychometric Characteristics. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 13(1), 21–44.


