Applicant Reactions to a Situational Judgment Test used for Selection into Initial Teacher Training


  • Robert Klassen University of York
  • Tracy Durksen University of Alberta
  • Emma Rowett Work Psychology Group
  • Fiona Patterson University of Cambridge




We considered applicants’ perceptions of the use of a pilot situational judgment test (SJT) designed for selection into primary and secondary teacher training programs in the UK. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected from 304 applicants (73% female) to two postgraduate (PGCE) training programs in the 2013-2014 application cycle. Participants were asked to provide feedback on the content of the SJTs and on the appropriateness of the tests for selection into teacher training. Results from the rating scales showed that most of the applicants (76.7%) found the content and format of the pilot selection tool favourable. Results from open-ended questions suggested that applicants were aware of issues of procedural justice and fairness in selection for teacher training, with a recommendation that separate selection tests should be created for primary and secondary applicants.


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How to Cite

Klassen, R., Durksen, T., Rowett, E., & Patterson, F. (2014). Applicant Reactions to a Situational Judgment Test used for Selection into Initial Teacher Training. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 3(2), 104–124.


